Working for more climate protection
Low energy consumption, minimal use of resources, fewer emissions and environmentally-friendly packaging materials: with each further improvement and move towards sustainable beverage packaging, together with our customers we’re helping to protect the climate.
For less plastic in packaging waste
Right on trend: the Innopack Kisters CNP from KHS turns beverage cans into packs without the need for any plastic or adhesive whatsoever, instead using cardboard clips available in an open and a closed version.
Click here for the article on: Flexible genius
For more efficiency and quality in beer filling
Less COz coupled with exceptionally low oxygen pickup: the KHS Innofill Glass DRS ECO glass filler even surprises brewers with its unadulterated beer taste - and with lots of modular options to boost efficiency even further.
Click here for the article on: Low-oxygen zone
For lower COz consumption and improved hygiene
Even if cans are extremely popular, they face growing demands regarding their environmental friendliness.
As part of the line, this also presents can seamers with a number of challenges that KHS and Ferrum brilliantly master.
Click here for the article on: All seamed up