Light touch
For machines already installed KHS provides a customized conversion package for the cost-efficient and flexible filling of lightweight cans.
Beverage can walls are becoming ever thinner to make more efficient use of resources and reduce the carbon footprint. Where lightweight can walls are halved in thickness, the filling technology needs to be adapted. “Classic formats could withstand a force of up to 800 newtons during contact pressure from the filling valve. Modern lightweight cans are damaged when 675 newtons or more are applied,” explains Andreas Krieg from KHS’ Wet Section Technical Support Department.
Adapted to new requirements
With the newly developed conversion kit from Dortmund, a good number of the KHS can fillers installed on the market can now be adapted to suit these changed requirements. To this end, KHS has modified the bell guides – both those with Teflon expansion joints and those with elastomer seals – to include optimized pneumatic cylinders. The valve pressure range can now be easily set exactly as required and the contact pressure reduced accordingly. This means that machines continue to function perfectly even when container requirements change.

Increasingly thinner walls on beverage cans call for adjustments to the filling technology.

The too-high contact pressure exerted by a filling valve that hasn’t been adapted damages the can during processing.
Sustainable, cost-efficient and flexible
The necessary changes to the filling valves for lightweight cans can be performed step by step and in the course of regular maintenance. This increases flexibility and minimizes production downtime. What’s more, beverage producers can choose between adaptation or full replacement of the valves. As the seamer also has to be adapted when switching over to lightweight cans, KHS provides a full one-stop-shop service together with its Swiss partner Ferrum. “We coordinate the conversion itself, with Ferrum providing the components and engineers,” says Krieg.
“Classic formats were able to withstand a higher contact pressure from the filling valve than modern lightweight cans.”
Wet Section Technical Support at KHS
Successful market tests
Since the spring KHS has successfully tested its new conversion kits for lightweight cans with various customers – and the feedback is extremely positive. “Our tests confirm that efficiency and durability are boosted by this conversion,” Krieg smiles. In view of these results, KHS is now offering the conversion to all clients.